
WIN with the Caro-Kann!

2276 • MSHARK19 •
  1. - Intro -
  2. - Basic Ideas -
  3. Push-Variation: White supports their center
  4. Push-Variation: White trades our c-pawn
  1. MSHARK19

Caro-Kann defence

1802 • EverGiven •
  1. Introduction
  2. Caro-Kann defence: Advance variation
  3. Caro-Kann defence: Advance variation, Botvinnik-Carls defence
  4. Caro-Kann defence: Exchange variation
  1. EverGiven

Learn the Caro-Kann like a BOSS

1761 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Learning from this study
  2. The Dojo Sparring Philosophy
  3. Introduction to the Caro-Kann
  4. Section 1: Main line (3. Nc3 dxe4)
  1. GM jessekraai
  2. dylanhake
  3. NoseKnowsAll

The Caro Kann Defence: Complete Repertoire

1361 • Shreksify •
  1. Introduction: - Caro Kann - Complete Repertoire - Author's Acknowledgement
  2. Quickstarter Guide - Exchange Variation - e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxe5
  3. Quickstarter Guide - Panov-Botvinnik Attack - e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 exd5 c4 Nf6 Nc3
  4. Quickstarter Guide - Classical Variation - e4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nf6
  1. TheForkPower
  2. BossStephen
  3. Shreksify

Crush 1.e4 with the Caro-Kann! Full Repertoire!

1104 • ST123_stsoham_Chess •
  1. What is Caro-Kann and what are we going to learn in this study?
  2. Section 1: Mainlines!
  3. Exchange Variation
  4. Panov-Botvinnik Attack, Fianchetto Gambit!
  1. ST123_stsoham_Chess

35 Caro-Kann Defense Traps!

1088 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Trap 1: Bohemian Attack #1
  3. Trap 2: Bohemian Attack #2
  4. Trap 3: Two Knights Attack #1
  1. Bosburp
  2. WassimBerbar

📊 Caro-Kann Defense⭐

1086 • SaNyob •
  1. Introduction
  2. History and First Played..
  3. Advantages and Disadvatanges
  1. SaNyob
  2. dIwADiTyA

CRUSH the Caro-Kann!

966 • Bosburp •
  1. == Introduction ==
  2. Section 1: 4...Bf5?!
  3. 5...Bg6: Common Traps
  4. 5...Bg4
  1. Bosburp

Top 10 Defenses Against e4

728 • DeadlyGambits •
  1. Introducing
  2. 10. Owen Defense
  3. 9. Nimzowitsch Defense
  4. 8. Alekhine Defense
  1. DeadlyGambits
  2. cRusher_bOy

🦇Gotham's Caro-Kann Practice

716 • fletchgraham •
  1. Caro-Kann Intro
  2. Option 1 - White Captures #1
  3. Option 1 - White Captures #2
  4. Option 1 - White Captures #3
  1. fletchgraham

Complete Black c6 Repertoire

605 • wub1234 •
  1. Playing 1. c6 as black
  2. Transpositional Tool
  3. Scepticism and Reality
  1. wub1234

Caro-Kann: An Overview

597 • gabesness •
  1. Introduction! :)
  2. Ideas and Flaws
  3. — Advance Variation —
  4. 4.Nf3 — Short Variation
  1. gabesness

1. e4 Repertoire for White

555 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Italian Game: Evans Gambit
  3. Italian Game: Classical Variation, Greco Gambit
  4. Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Fried Liver Attack
  1. Green_Frog96

Caro-Kann - Interactive Lesson - Complete Repertoire

525 • Shreksify •
  1. Exchange Variation: e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxe5 Bd3
  2. Exchange Variation: e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxe5 Nf3
  3. Exchange Variation: e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxe5 Bf4
  4. Exchange Variation: e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxe5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5
  1. Shreksify

Advance Caro-Kann: The Botvinnik-Carls Defense

300 • njswift •
  1. The Advance Caro-Kann
  2. The Botvinnik-Carls Defense
  3. Lesser responses
  4. The questionable 4. Bb5+?!
  1. njswift

The Głø Krüller Gambit

219 • The_Inverse_Tangent •
  1. What is the Głø Krüller?
  2. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack, main line
  3. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack ...6.h3
  4. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack ...6.Bxh6
  1. Phil224
  2. The_Inverse_Tangent
  3. Crazy_Cotangent